Monday, December 1, 2014

Difference and Similarities between class and structure?


  1. Class is a reference type and its object is created on the heap memory.
  2. Class can inherit the another class.
  3. Class can have the all types of constructor and destructor.
  4. The member variable of class can be initialized directly.
  5. class object can not be created without using the new keyword, it means we have to use it.

    Demo obj=new Demo();

  1. Structure is a value type that is why its object is created on the stack memory.
  2. Structure does not support the inheritance.
  3. Structure can only have the parametrized constructor. it means a structure can not have the non-parametrized constructor,default constructor and destructor also.
  4. The member variable of structure can not be initialized directly.
  5. Structure object can be created without using the new keyword.(optional) 

  1. Both can have constructors, methods, properties, fields, constants, enumerations,
    events, and event handlers.
  2. Structures and classes can implement interface.
  3. Both can have delegates and events.

What are virtual classes?

Because a class can be an indirect base class to a derived class more than once, C++ provides a way to optimize the way such base classes work. Virtual base classes offer a way to save space and avoid ambiguities in class hierarchies that use multiple inheritance.

Each nonvirtual object contains a copy of the data members defined in the base class. This duplication wastes space and requires you to specify which copy of the base class members you want whenever you access them.

When a base class is specified as a virtual base, it can act as an indirect base more than once without duplication of its data members. A single copy of its data members is shared by all the base classes that use it as a virtual base.

When declaring a virtual base class, the virtual keyword appears in the base lists of the derived classes.

Why don’t C# and Java support multiple inheritance? What is wrong with multiple inheritance?

The main problem with multiple inheritance is that there can be times when the results of using multiple inheritance will be uncertain. The best example of this is the classic problem known as the Diamond Problem where a class inherits from 2 different classes, but those 2 different classes inherit from the same class, like in the graphic below (where class D derives from both classes B and C, and classes B and C both derive from class A:

And here is what the code for that example would look like:

class A {
               bool testing;

class B: public A { };

class C: public A { };

class D: public B, public C  {
    void setTesting ( bool xTesting)  {
            testing = xTesting; // this is uncertain

In the code above we have the testing data member which is defined by class A. But, the problem is that class D derives from both classes B and C, which both derive from class A. This means that there are essentially 2 copies of the testing flag that are available because there are 2 instances of A in D’s class hierarchy. So, this creates a problem because which copy of the testing flag will be set? And the compiler will give an error and say that the reference to testing in class D is ambiguous.

But, there are some fixes to this problem. One fix is to make it very clear which classe’s version of testing is going to be set:

B :: testing = xTesting;  // use B's version of testing

The other fix for this problem is to declare B and C as virtual base classes. This allows only one copy of A to be created for class D, and that clears up any ambiguities.

Alternatives to multiple inheritance

As you can probably see by now, having multiple inheritance built into a language can create problems. So, in the interest of keeping things simple, the creators of Java and C# decided not to allow multiple inheritance. However, there is an alternative to multiple inheritance, known as interfaces 

What is Multiple Inheritance?

C++ actually allows a class to inherit from more than one class, and this is referred to as multiple inheritance. But in C# and Java, classes are only allowed to inherit from a single parent class, which is called single inheritance.

Multiple inheritance allows people to create classes that combine aspects of different classes and their corresponding hierarchies. This is something that is quite common because applications often need to use the frameworks of different classes to achieve the desired functionality. Suppose that you are trying to create a class that models the animal known as a Liger, which is the result of having a Tiger and a Lion mate. Then you would create a class called Liger that derives from both the Tiger and Lion classes – so the Liger class would have to use multiple inheritance since it is deriving or inheriting from 2 different classes. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

What is a Delegate?

Delegate is a type which  holds the method(s) reference in an object. It is also referred to as a type safe function pointer.


  • Encapsulating the method's call from caller
  • Effective use of delegate improves the performance of application
  • Used to call a method asynchronously


 public delegate int mydelegate(int delvar1,int delvar2)


  • You can use delegates without parameters or with parameter list
  • You should follow the same syntax as in the method
    (If you are referring to the method with two int parameters and int return type, the delegate which you are declaring should be in the same format. This is why it is referred to as type safe function pointer.)

Sample Program using Delegate

public delegate double Delegate_Prod(int a,int b);
class Class1
    static double fn_Prodvalues(int val1,int val2)
        return val1*val2;
    static void Main(string[] args)
        //Creating the Delegate Instance
        Delegate_Prod delObj = new Delegate_Prod(fn_Prodvalues);
        Console.Write("Please Enter Values");
        int v1 = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
        int v2 = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
        //use a delegate for processing
        double res = delObj(v1,v2);
        Console.WriteLine ("Result :"+res);

Multicast Delegate

What is Multicast Delegate?

It is a delegate which holds the reference of more than one method.
Multicast delegates must contain only methods that return void, else there is a run-time exception.

Simple Program using Multicast Delegate 

delegate void Delegate_Multicast(int x, int y);
Class Class2
    static void Method1(int x, int y)
        Console.WriteLine("You r in Method 1");

    static void Method2(int x, int y)
        Console.WriteLine("You r in Method 2");

    public static void <place w:st="on" />Main</place />()
        Delegate_Multicast func = new Delegate_Multicast(Method1);
        func += new Delegate_Multicast(Method2);
        func(1,2);             // Method1 and Method2 are called
        func -= new Delegate_Multicast(Method1);
        func(2,3);             // Only Method2 is called

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

When to use custom control?

  • When you have a rapid and fixed content in your UI, use UserControl.
  • When you want to separate some basic functionality of your main view to some smaller pieces with reusability, use UserControl.
  • When you want to use your control in different projects and each project may want to change the look, use CustomControl.
  • When you want to implement some additional functionality for a control, create a CustomControl derived from the base control.
  • When you want to apply themes to your controls, use CustomControl.
  • When you want to add toolbox support for your control, so that your user will be able to do drag and drop to the designer, use CustomControl.

AJAX pros and cons

AJAX is rapidly becoming an integral part of several websites, several well established brands online now use AJAX to handle their web applications because it provides better interactivity to their users, this is due to the fact that implementing AJAX on a website, does not require a page to be reloaded for dynamic content on web pages. While there are numerous reasons to switch to AJAX there are quite a few matters that would make you reconsider using this combination of technologies as well. Below are some of the advantages and disadvantages of using AJAX.


  • Better interactivity
    This is pretty much the most striking benefit behind why several developers and webmasters are switching to AJAX for their websites. AJAX allows easier and quicker interaction between user and website as pages are not reloaded for content to be displayed.
  • Easier navigation
    AJAX applications on websites can be built to allow easier navigation to users in comparison to using the traditional back and forward button on a browser.
  • Compact
    With AJAX, several multi purpose applications and features can be handled using a single web page, avoiding the need for clutter with several web pages. For our use of AJAX on, it took just a few lines of code!
  • Backed by reputed brands
    Another assuring reason to use AJAX on your websites is the fact that several complex web applications are handled using AJAX, Google Maps is the most impressive and obvious example, other powerful, popular scripts such as the vBulletin forum software has also incorporated AJAX into their latest version.


  • The back and refresh button are rendered useless
    With AJAX, as all functions are loaded on a dynamic page without the page being reloaded or more importantly a URL being changed (except for a hash symbol maybe), clicking the back or refresh button would take you to an entirely different web page or to the beginning of what your dynamic web page was processing. This is the main drawback behind AJAX but fortunately with good programming skills this issue can be fixed.
  • It is built on javascript
    While javascript is secure and has been heavily used by websites for a long period of time, a percentage of website surfers prefer to turn javascript functionality off on their browser rendering the AJAX application useless, a work around to this con is present as well, where the developer will need to code a parallel non-javascript version of the dynamic web page to cater to these users.

Difference between a CustomControl and a UserControl

Custom Control User Control
A loosely coupled control w.r.t code and UI A tightly coupled control w.r.t code and UI
Derives from Control Derives from UserControl
Defines UI in a ResourceDictionary Defines UI as normal XAML
UI is skinable Child controls are skinable
Has dynamic layout Has static layout
UI can be changed in different projects UI is fixed and can't have different looks in different project
Has full toolbox support Can't be added to the toolbox
Defines a single control Defines a set of controls
More flexible Not very flexible like a Custom Control
Requires in-depth knowledge of Silverlight UI Model Does not require indepth knowledge of the UI Model

  1. User Control is a page file with extension .ascx which can only be used within a single application. But custom controls are assemblies(dll files) that can be used in multiple applications.
  2. User Controls cannot be added to the ToolBox of VS.NET . To use a User Control with in an aspx page you have to drag the user Control from the solution explorer to designer page. But Custom Controls can be added to ToolBox of VS.NET.
  3. User Controls can be viewed as a sort of generic controls during the design time. The proper GUI of user controls can be viewed only during the run time. But Custom Controls can be viewed during the design time.
  4. User controls are created from existing Webserver and html server controls. But a developer who creates custom controls have to render every thing from the scratch.
  5. Since the dll assembly of a custom control is being used,a custom control developed in C# can be used in a project developed in VB.NET or any other managed code and vice versa. This is not possible with user controls.They are language specific

What is a User Control?

The base "UserControl" is nothing but a Custom Control that you derive to create a control UI specific to your project. Generally, we create a UserControl which is placed inside a ASPX page with tight bonding to the code behind. You can directly access its UI elements from the code-behind and do some specific operations.

A custom UserControl inherits from the System.Windows.Controls.UserControls class, which inherits from the base "Control" class.

You can't create theming support for UserControls but can style them by creating themes for the child Custom Controls because they represent a collection of controls. Once you create a UserControl UI in one project, you can't change it in other projects.

What is a Custom Control?

A custom control is a loosely coupled control defined in a class, which derives from Control. The UI of the custom control is generally defined in a Resource Dictionary inside the resource file. We can create themes for a custom control and reuse it in various projects very easily.
Button, CheckBox, TextBox etc., even a UserControl is nothing but a Custom Control. You can easily load them inside a ASPX page.

A Custom Control generally inherits from the System.Windows.Controls.Control class. You may derive from a different custom control depending on your requirement.

Custom Controls are compiled into a DLL assembly and can be reused in multiple places very easily. You have total control over the code, thus gives you more flexibility to extend the behaviour. Once you build and add a reference of the custom control in your project, you can find it in the toolbox. Thus, you will be able to drag and drop the control in your Design view and start working with it very easily.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Why layer a service?

An important aspect of SOA design is that service boundaries should be explicit, which means hiding all the details of the implementation behind the service boundary. This includes revealing or dictating what particular technology was used.
Furthermore, inside the implementation of a service, the code responsible for the data manipulation should be separated from the code responsible for the business logic. So in the real world, it is always good practice to implement a WCF service in three or more layers. The three layers are the service interface layer, the business logic layer, and the data access layer.

  • Service interface layer: This layer will include the service contracts and operation contracts that are used to define the service interfaces that will be exposed at the service boundary. Data contracts are also defined to pass in and out of the service. If any exception is expected to be thrown outside of the service, then Fault contracts will also be defined at this layer.
  • Business logic layer: This layer will apply the actual business logic to the service operations. It will check the preconditions of each operation, perform business activities, and return any necessary results to the caller of the service.
  • Data access layer: This layer will take care of all of the tasks needed to access the underlying databases. It will use a specific data adapter to query and update the databases. This layer will handle connections to databases, transaction processing, and concurrency controlling. Neither the service interface layer nor the business logic layer needs to worry about these things.

  • Layering provides separation of concerns and better factoring of code, which gives you better maintainability and the ability to split out layers into separate physical tiers for scalability. The data access code should be separated into its own layer that focuses on performing translation services between the databases and the application domain. Services should be placed in a separate service layer that focuses on performing translation services between the service-oriented external world and the application domain.

    The service interface layer will be compiled into a separate class assembly and hosted in a service host environment. The outside world will only know about and have access to this layer. Whenever a request is received by the service interface layer, the request will be dispatched to the business logic layer, and the business logic layer will get the actual work done. If any database support is needed by the business logic layer, it will always go through the data access layer.

    What is WCF?

    Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) is a framework for building service-oriented applications. Using WCF, you can send data as asynchronous messages from one service endpoint to another. A service endpoint can be part of a continuously available service hosted by IIS, or it can be a service hosted in an application.

    WCF makes the development of endpoints easier.It is designed to offer a manageable approach to creating Web services and Web service clients.

    WCF includes the following set of features.
    • Service Orientation
      One consequence of using WS standards is that WCF enables you to create service oriented applications. Service-oriented architecture (SOA) is the reliance on Web services to send and receive data. The services have the general advantage of being loosely-coupled instead of hard-coded from one application to another. A loosely-coupled relationship implies that any client created on any platform can connect to any service as long as the essential contracts are met.
    • Interoperability
      WCF implements modern industry standards for Web service interoperability.
    • Multiple Message Patterns
      Messages are exchanged in one of several patterns. The most common pattern is the request/reply pattern, where one endpoint requests data from a second endpoint. The second endpoint replies. There are other patterns such as a one-way message in which a single endpoint sends a message without any expectation of a reply. A more complex pattern is the duplex exchange pattern where two endpoints establish a connection and send data back and forth, similar to an instant messaging program.
    • Service Metadata
      WCF supports publishing service metadata using formats specified in industry standards such as WSDL, XML Schema and WS-Policy. This metadata can be used to automatically generate and configure clients for accessing WCF services. Metadata can be published over HTTP and HTTPS or using the Web Service Metadata Exchange standard.
    • Data Contracts
      Because WCF is built using the .NET Framework, it also includes code-friendly methods of supplying the contracts you want to enforce. One of the universal types of contracts is the data contract. In essence, as you code your service using Visual C# or Visual Basic, the easiest way to handle data is by creating classes that represent a data entity with properties that belong to the data entity. WCF includes a comprehensive system for working with data in this easy manner. Once you have created the classes that represent data, your service automatically generates the metadata that allows clients to comply with the data types you have designed.
    • Security
      Messages can be encrypted to protect privacy and you can require users to authenticate themselves before being allowed to receive messages. Security can be implemented using well-known standards such as SSL or WS-SecureConversation.
    • Multiple Transports and Encodings
      Messages can be sent on any of several built-in transport protocols and encodings. The most common protocol and encoding is to send text encoded SOAP messages using is the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) for use on the World Wide Web. Alternatively, WCF allows you to send messages over TCP, named pipes, or MSMQ. These messages can be encoded as text or using an optimized binary format. Binary data can be sent efficiently using the MTOM standard. If none of the provided transports or encodings suit your needs you can create your own custom transport or encoding.
    • Reliable and Queued Messages
      WCF supports reliable message exchange using reliable sessions implemented over WS-Reliable Messaging and using MSMQ.
    • Durable Messages
      A durable message is one that is never lost due to a disruption in the communication. The messages in a durable message pattern are always saved to a database. If a disruption occurs, the database allows you to resume the message exchange when the connection is restored. You can also create a durable message using the Windows Workflow Foundation (WF).
    • Transactions
      WCF also supports transactions using one of three transaction models: WS-AtomicTtransactions, the APIs in the System.Transactions namespace, and Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator.
    • AJAX and REST Support
      REST is an example of an evolving Web 2.0 technology. WCF can be configured to process "plain" XML data that is not wrapped in a SOAP envelope. WCF can also be extended to support specific XML formats, such as ATOM (a popular RSS standard), and even non-XML formats, such as JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).
    • Extensibility
      The WCF architecture has a number of extensibility points. If extra capability is required, there are a number of entry points that allow you to customize the behavior of a service.

    Wednesday, August 6, 2014

    Dependency Injection

    Now that we know the dependency inversion principle and have seen the inversion of control methodology for implementing the dependency inversion principle, Dependency Injection is mainly for injecting the concrete implementation into a class that is using abstraction i.e. interface inside. The main idea of dependency injection is to reduce the coupling between classes and move the binding of abstraction and concrete implementation out of the dependent class.
    Dependency injection can be done in three ways.
    1. Constructor injection
    2. Method injection
    3. Property injection

    Constructor Injection 

    In this approach we pass the object of the concrete class into the constructor of the dependent class. So what we need to do to implement this is to have a constructor in the dependent class that will take the concrete class object and assign it to the interface handle this class is using. So if we need to implement this for our AppPoolWatcher class:

    class AppPoolWatcher
        // Handle to EventLog writer to write to the logs
        INofificationAction action = null;
        public AppPoolWatcher(INofificationAction concreteImplementation)
            this.action = concreteImplementation;
        // This function will be called when the app pool has problem
        public void Notify(string message)
    In the above code, the constructor will take the concrete class object and bind it to the interface handle. So if we need to pass the EventLogWriter's concrete implementation into this class, all we need to do is

    EventLogWriter writer = new EventLogWriter();
    AppPoolWatcher watcher = new AppPoolWatcher(writer);
    watcher.Notify("Sample message to log");
    Now if we want this class to send email or sms instead, all we need to do is to pass the object of the respective class in the AppPoolWatcher's constructor. This method is useful when we know that the instance of the dependent class will use the same concrete class for its entire lifetime.

    Method Injection

    In constructor injection we saw that the dependent class will use the same concrete class for its entire lifetime. Now if we need to pass separate concrete class on each invocation of the method, we have to pass the dependency in the method only.

    So in method injection approach we pass the object of the concrete class into the method the dependent class which is actually invoking the action. So what we need to do to implement this is to have the action function also accept an argument for the concrete class object and assign it to the interface handle this class is using and invoke the action. So if we need to implement this for our AppPoolWatcher class:

    class AppPoolWatcher
        // Handle to EventLog writer to write to the logs
        INofificationAction action = null;
        // This function will be called when the app pool has problem
        public void Notify(INofificationAction concreteAction, string message)
            this.action = concreteAction;
    In the above code the action method i.e. Notify will take the concrete class object and bind it to the interface handle. So if we need to pass the EventLogWriter's concrete implementation into this class, all we need to do is

    EventLogWriter writer = new EventLogWriter();
    AppPoolWatcher watcher = new AppPoolWatcher();
    watcher.Notify(writer, "Sample message to log");
    Now if we want this class to send email or sms instead, all we need to do is to pass the object of the respective class in the AppPoolWatcher's invocation method i.e. Notify method in the above example. 

    Property Injection

    Now we have discussed two scenarios where in constructor injection we knew that the dependent class will use one concrete class for the entire lifetime. The second approach is to use the method injection where we can pass the concrete class object in the action method itself. But what if the responsibility of selection of concrete class and invocation of method are in separate places. In such cases we need property injection.

    So in this approach we pass the object of the concrete class via a setter property that was exposed by the dependent class. So what we need to do to implement this is to have a Setter property or function in the dependent class that will take the concrete class object and assign it to the interface handle this class is using. So if we need to implement this for our AppPoolWatcher class:

    class AppPoolWatcher
        // Handle to EventLog writer to write to the logs
        INofificationAction action = null;
        public INofificationAction Action
                return action;
                action = value;
        // This function will be called when the app pool has problem
        public void Notify(string message)
    In the above code the setter of Action property will take the concrete class object and bind it to the interface handle. So if we need to pass the EventLogWriter's concrete implementation into this class, all we need to do is

    EventLogWriter writer = new EventLogWriter();
    AppPoolWatcher watcher = new AppPoolWatcher();
    // This can be done in some class
    watcher.Action = writer;
    // This can be done in some other class
    watcher.Notify("Sample message to log");
    Now if we want this class to send email or sms instead, all we need to do is to pass the object of the respective class in the setter exposed by AppPoolWatcher class. This approach is useful when the responsibility of selecting the concrete implementation and invoking the action are done in separate places/modules. 

    In languages where properties are not supported, there is a separate function to set the dependency. This approach is also known as setter injection. The important thing to note in this approach is that there is a possibility that someone has created the dependent class but no one has set the concrete class dependency yet. If we try to invoke the action in such cases then we should have either some default dependency mapped to the dependent class or have some mechanism to ensure that application will behave properly.

    A Note on IoC Containers

    Constructor injection is the mostly used approach when it comes to implementing the dependency injection. If we need to pass different dependencies on every method call then we use method injection. Property injection is used less frequently.

    All the three approaches we have discussed for dependency injection are ok if we have only one level of dependency. But what if the concrete classes are also dependent of some other abstractions. So if we have chained and nested dependencies, implementing dependency injection will become quite complicated. That is where we can use IoC containers. IoC containers will help us to map the dependencies easily when we have chained or nested dependencies.

    What is Inversion of Control?

    Dependency inversion was a software design principle, it just states that how two modules should depend on each other. Now the question comes, how exactly we are going to do it? The answer is Inversion of control. Inversion of control is the actual mechanism using which we can make the higher level modules to depend on abstractions rather than concrete implementation of lower level modules.
    So if I have to implement inversion of control in the above mentioned problem scenario, the first thing we need to do is to create an abstraction that the higher levels will depend on. So let us create an interface that will provide the abstraction to act on the notification received from AppPoolWacther.

    public interface INofificationAction
        public void ActOnNotification(string message);
    Now let us change our higher level module i.e. the AppPoolWatcher to use this abstraction rather than the lower level concrete class.
    class AppPoolWatcher
        // Handle to EventLog writer to write to the logs
        INofificationAction action = null;
        // This function will be called when the app pool has problem
        public void Notify(string message)
            if (action == null)
                // Here we will map the abstraction i.e. interface to concrete class 
    So how will our lower level concrete class will change? how will this class conform to the abstraction i.e. we need to implement the above interface in this class:
    class EventLogWriter : INofificationAction
        public void ActOnNotification(string message)
            // Write to event log here

    So now if I need to have the concrete classes for sending email and sms, these classes will also implement the same interface.

    class EmailSender : INofificationAction
        public void ActOnNotification(string message)
            // Send email from here
    class SMSSender : INofificationAction
        public void ActOnNotification(string message)
            // Send SMS from here
    So the final class design will look like: 

    So what we have done here is that, we have inverted the control to conform to dependency inversion principle. Now our high level modules are dependent only on abstractions and not the lower level concrete implementations, which is exactly what dependency inversion principle states.
    But there is still one missing piece. When we look at the code of our AppPoolWatcher, we can see that it is using the abstraction i.e. interface but where exactly are we creating the concrete type and assigning it to this abstraction. To solve this problem, we can do something like:

    class AppPoolWatcher
        // Handle to EventLog writer to write to the logs
        INofificationAction action = null;
        // This function will be called when the app pool has problem
        public void Notify(string message)
            if (action == null)
                // Here we will map the abstraction i.e. interface to concrete class 
                writer = new EventLogWriter();
    But we are again back to where we have started. The concrete class creation is still inside the higher level class. Can we not make it totally decoupled so that even if we add new classes derived from INotificationAction, we don't have to change this class. 

    This is exactly where Dependency injection comes in picture. So its time to look at dependency injection in detail now.

    What is Dependency Inversion Principle?

    Dependency inversion principle is a software design principle which provides us the guidelines to write loosely coupled classes. According to the definition of Dependency inversion principle:
    1. High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions.
    2. Abstractions should not depend upon details. Details should depend upon abstractions.

    What does this definition mean? What is it trying to convey? let us try to understand the definition by looking at examples. A few years back I was involved in writing a windows service which was supposed to run on a Web server. The sole responsibility of this service was to log messages in event logs whenever there is some problem in the IIS application Pool. So what our team has done initially that we created two classes. One for monitoring the Application Pool and second to write the messages in the event log. Our classes looked like this:

    class EventLogWriter
        public void Write(string message)
            //Write to event log here
    class AppPoolWatcher
        // Handle to EventLog writer to write to the logs
        EventLogWriter writer = null;
        // This function will be called when the app pool has problem
        public void Notify(string message)
            if (writer == null)
                writer = new EventLogWriter();
    From the first look, the above class design seems to be sufficient. It looks perfectly good code. But there is a problem in the above design. This design violates the dependency inversion principle. i.e. the high level module AppPoolWatcher depends on EventLogWriter which is a concrete class and not an abstraction. How is it a problem? Well let me tell you the next requirement we received for this service and the problem will become very clearly visible.
    The next requirement we received for this service was to send email to network administrator's email ID for some specific set of error. Now, how will we do that? One idea is to create a class for sending emails and keeping its handle in the AppPoolWatcher but at any moment we will be using only one object either EventLogWriter or EmailSender.
    The problem will get even worse when we have more actions to take selectively, like sending SMS. Then we will have to have one more class whose instance will be kept inside the AppPoolWatcher. The dependency inversion principle says that we need to decouple this system in such a way that the higher level modules i.e. the AppPoolWatcher in our case will depend on a simple abstraction and will use it. This abstraction will in turn will be mapped to some concrete class which will perform the actual operation.

    Monday, May 12, 2014

    When Bundling Stylesheets in MVC 4

    Microsoft released the newest version of the MVC framework as part of their Visual Studio 2012 release this week. One of the features of this release is the bundling and minification capabilities. Bundling allows you to combine many resources such as stylesheets and scripts so that fewer requests are made to the server. An example on using this feature is below:
    public class BundleConfig {
        public static void RegisterBundles(BundleCollection bundles) {
            // combine all of the jquery ui scripts into one bundle
            bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/jqueryui").Include(
            // combine all of the jquery ui scripts into one bundle
            bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/content/themes/base/jquery").Include(
    The above code creates bundles for the jQuery UI scripts and stylesheets. In order to use them in your view you do the following:
    One thing you might be tempted to do when bundling your stylesheets is use a shorter name for your bundle such as "~/css/jqueryui", but there is one thing you need to be aware of when you do this. It is common for stylesheets to include references to images relative to the stylesheet directory. For example, the default jQuery UI theme is installed in the ~/Content/themes/base/ directory. Inside of that directory is an images/ folder that contains many of the sprites that jQuery UI uses. If you create a CSS bundle called "~/css/jqueryui" then you might notice that none of the jQuery UI icons work any more. This is because the content is expected to be relative to the directory that the stylesheet is in. When creating the bundle as ~/css/jqueryui, the images are expected to be in ~/css/images.
    Unless you are running with debug=”false”, you might not even notice the problem. This is because by default, when running with debug=”true”, the runtime will still make separate requests for every resource in your bundle. When changing to debug=”false”, will actually combine all of the files in your bundle and make a single request (per bundle). The request might look similar to:
    <link href="/css/jqueryui?v=ps9Ga9601PrzNA2SK3sQXlYmNW3igUv5FOdOPWptyus1" rel="stylesheet"/>
    Since the request is being made to /css/jqueryui, the server expects that any relative paths are going to be relative to the /css directory. To fix this, you need to make sure your CSS bundle names are similar to the physical directory structure of your application. When installing the jQuery UI nuget package, it will put your stylesheets in the directory /content/themes/base/ so you should name your bundle "~/content/themes/base/jqueryui" to make sure that everything works.

    Wednesday, February 12, 2014

    How do we define a lambda expression?

    Lambda basic definition: Parameters => Executed code.

    Simple example

    n => n % 2 == 1
    • n is the input parameter
    • n % 2 == 1 is the expression
    You can read n => n % 2 == 1 like: "input parameter named n goes to anonymous function which returns true if the input is odd".
    Same example (now execute the lambda):
    List<int> numbers = new List<int>{11,37,52};
    List<int> oddNumbers = numbers.where(n => n % 2 == 1).ToList();
    //Now oddNumbers is equal to 11 and 37

    Why do we need lambda expressions? (Why would we need to write a method without a name?)

    Convenience. It's a shorthand that allows you to write a method in the same place you are going to use it. Especially useful in places where a method is being used only once, and the method definition is short. It saves you the effort of declaring and writing a separate method to the containing class.
    1. Reduced typing. No need to specify the name of the function, its return type, and its access modifier. 
    2. When reading the code you don't need to look elsewhere for the method's definition. 
    Lambda expressions should be short. A complex definition makes the calling code difficult to read. 

    What is a Lambda Expression?

    A lambda expression is an anonymous function and it is mostly used to create delegates in LINQ. Simply put, it's a method without a declaration, i.e., access modifier, return value declaration, and name.